This is a well explained version of a pet-peeve-idea I got from two videos published 30 years apart:

- 1994 Danny Hillis' TED Talk: Back to the future (of 1994): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdg4mU-wuhI

- 2023 Tom Scott's video: My worries about the trajectory of A.I. [relevant part 00:25 - 02:38] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPhJbKBuNnA

Both show a sigmoid curve with a exponential-ish first half to represent progress. My take is that, not only we don't know where on the curve we are, we've been lost for (at least) the last 30 years and we've made no progress with our estimations.

We're living interesting times.

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I enjoy tom scott's lateral questions podcast show.

but yeah the lack of knowing where you are in the curve thats annoying, but its a lack of an ability to ever know thats anxiety inducing.

also I had no idea ted talks existed pre like 2008

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> also I had no idea ted talks existed pre like 2008

Danny Hillis' talk feels anachronistic in many ways, being a TED talk is one of them. Although the video quality fits 1994 :).

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